Friday, December 24, 2010

The day i was reborn

Hi all.. once again.. I feel sorry for not being able to write more n more.. but work has been really hectic.. I really wanted to write about my visits to Kenya and Iran but just couldn’t find the time.
Anyways (or anyway.. my cuz feels its called anyway.. and there is no such word as anyways.. can anyone confirm this? doesn’t help.. haha)

Life has been very hectic .. finally today thought would share one old incidence which I can never forget and sends shivers down my body whenever I think about it..
This was almost 6 years back when was in third year engg. (already I feel old writing this).. I was enjoying my college days .. spending more time in sports than studies.. .

Some of us had also found a nice timepass in Swimming. I have loved swimming since childhood.. I guess I got it from my father, who himself is a gr8 swimmer..

This incidence happened on one of these days when we had gone in a large group for swimming.. everything was usual… and we had certain set of guys who were learning swimming.. I was helping one of these guys by explaining how to keep ur body afloat etc etc…
SUNIL Koli.. the guy I was helping… this all revolves around him.. let me explain how he looks… 6 feet 2 inches tall.. broad shoulders .. athletic body (not slim by any means)… all in all.. may b twice my size.

he was swimming in shallow first but due to too many people he moved to the deep end.. was able to swim short distances .. just around the boundaries of the pool… I cld see he was decent.. I came out of the pool to sit on the side.. and he suddenly asked.. “should I go from this end to that end.. directly.. “
I was like “its up to you if you are confident enough..sure”.. he started fine and as he reached in middle area.. something shocking happened.. the guy started drowning and couldn’t keep afloat or move forward.. as I saw that. .without thinking anything I jumped in to the water.. as soon as I reached in his vicinity.. he jumped on to me and help me with both hands.. which suddenly pushed me inside the water.. I tried coming out for breath but he kept pushing me down (in a quest to come up himself).. consider the fact that he was so huge compared to me.. I was not able to drag him to the side…

This kept happening without anyones notice for 1 min.. and in that one min .. I saw death as close as I could.. the thought of not being able to make it to the side kept coming in my mind.. then 3 of my other friends who could swim decent.. came to rescue. Two of them held his hand and one pushed him from inside the water towards the cornor.. I cld make it to the side myself.. all scared with pale white face.. I actually thought I wouldn’t be able to make it that day.. But I guess.. I was destined too..

Even today when I think about that incidence.. it sends shivers down my body.. people thought I saved him.. but then I always said it’s the other 2-3 guys.. .. bcoz with my technique we both would have drowned… that day I realized how different it is to know how to swim well and to save someone from drowning . Also realized how important it is that you learn how to swim when you are not so huge in size 

you can share similar stories if you have..Will try to write here more often..

Keep Smiling 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

finally..... back to some writing

Hi All

Have been off blogging for sometime.. work too hectic? nothing specific in mind to write about? actually its been a combination of all possible reasons ..

As many of us know , Lonavala is a beautiful place to visit during monsoon... we (my office guys) had gone to this place called Kamshet near lonavala very recently... and we came across this beautiful location and guest house where we stayed..

Early morning start made us all energetic and looking forward to the trip.. dumb sharads for first time... got me frustated.. (of course bcoz my team lost).. But it all got better when we reached the place and saw this view...

The place where we were staying was very different... ( nice bunk beds.. and home cooked food... closeness to nature made the experience very exciting.. 

The place was designed in an eco-friendly manner , full of lights, open areas to sit, and beautiful view of the lake near by.. ..

One could just sit and watch and lake and enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee :)

In the night we also got to see some "Jugnus" .. living in big cities.. thats like a rare sight..

Hiking freak that i am , 3 of us started going in to the mountains and looking to reach the top of whichever mountain we could.. :) . On our way we came across lot of beautiful spots for nice photography and big rocks

Fun loving moments as well

... finally after all the efforts and running through couple of mountains.. we were able to reach a nice waterfall..

 The evening was made wonderful by a brilliant singer among us... having worked in same office.. still we never knew he was so good.. previously a part of  famous band "Nachiketa" from bengal.. the guy sang and played guitar for 9 hours at a stretch .. mesmerizing  not only our group .. but other people living in the guest house.. who joined us for singing and dancing and fun :) . check out a glism of the evening in the video ..
                                           Dhoom Pichak Dhoom

Don't let daddy kiss me

The singing and dancing went on till 4 am... and we didn't want it to end.... overall it was an amazing outing ..and the weather was gr8 as well..

 For people who love nature.. should surely visit this place..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Emotional Atyachar

As I was watching this new series of reality show on Bindhaas… I found it funny.. in the beginning specially when you see the girls slapping the guy… oops.. for those who don’t know what I m talking about.. let me tell u what this show is abt ..(btw you must see it once at least)

Soo in this show.. a girl or a boy (called “Lead”) can request the organizers to do a loyalty test on their partners (called “Suspect”)… which means they will spy on suspect and through their under cover agent (girl or boy) try to get close to suspect .. which will eventually prove if suspect is loyal to you or not.. they shoot the moments which Suspect spends with the under cover agent.. and show the footage to the Lead.. Taking it one step ahead they take the Lead on the spot where the suspect is sitting with the under cover agent.. and then there is this whole drama..

For those who have seen the show.. I dono why they always show Mumbai as the city… lol.. and in most cases the suspect turns out to be disloyal to the partner.? .. ajeeb

Now on this whole show.. me and my lovely cuzs had some discussion… and asked few questions.. wana know your views on them…

1. Do you think this show is all staged and fake?
RC: one side of me says may b.. then I feel why would people get defamed like this.. for money which I don’t think would be a lot.. (what may b 5000)?

2. If this is not staged.. and they are actual people like you and me.. do u think this show ruins their lives?

3. Do you think such things shouldn’t be shown on the national television?

I was of the opinion that it is good that person gets to know abt their partner may b much before the relationship gets to a more emotional stage when it would be more devastating to find out the truth…

What do you guys think?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Funny Leave Applications.. :)

See , how people write leave Applications.  
It's murder of English language. But Too Funny.

Just Read It.

The Leave Applications;)

An employee applied for leave as follows:

"Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife , please sanction me one-week leave."

This is from Oracle Bangalore: >From an employee who was performing the "mundan" ceremony of his 10 year old son:

"as I want to shave my son's head , please leave me for two days.."

Another gem from CDAC. Leave-letter from an employee who was performing his daughter's wedding:
"as I am marrying my daughter , please grant a week's leave.."

From H.A.L. Administration Dept:
"As my mother-in-law has expired and I am only one responsible for it , please grant me 10 days leave."

Another employee applied for half day leave as follows:
"Since I've to go to the cremation ground at 10 o-clock and I may not return , please grant me half day casual leave"

An incident of a leave letter:
"I am suffering from fever , please declare one-day holiday."

A leave letter to the headmaster:
"As I am studying in this school I am suffering from headache. I request you to leave me today"

Another leave letter written to the headmaster:
"As my headache is paining , please grant me leave for the day."

Covering note:
"I am enclosed herewith..."

Another one:
"Dear Sir: with reference to the above , please refer to my below..."

Actual letter written for application of leave:
"My wife is suffering from sickness and as I am her only husband at home I may be granted leave".

Letter writing:-
"I am well here and hope you are also in the same well."

A candidate's job application:
"This has reference to your advertisement calling for a ' Typist and an Accountant - Male or Female'... As I am both(!! )for the past several years and I can handle both with good experience , I am applying for the post.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Visit to the oldest city in the world

Standing in a 2 kms line at the airport check-in at 2 in the night is not happening… but then doesn’t matter much when u r excited about visiting a rather interesting yet scary place which you haven’t even heard off until last week. Yemen, a country in Middle east, was recently in news for some terror issues. I however was there before that new broke out.

Lost my connecting flight from Dubai to Sanaa, capital of Yemen, long wait at the Dubai airport without any night sleep, Starbucks coffee did help a bit J.

The airport of Sanaa was BAD, the airport being built in smallest of places in India would be better…. I don’t mean to put it light but come on no announcing system, no displays for the arrival departure.. its like Bus station... you have to keep asking meri wali bus aae kya.. From Dubai Airport to Sanaa is a huge difference… The attire of people at sanna was weird, all women in burkha and all men wearing kinda lungies with pants inside..weird it was..and weather was chilly as well going to minus 2 in the night..

Thankfully after a long tiring journey the hotel was quite good, five star infact.. i wonder what do these guys use to make these soft beds.. at our houses we never seem to get those kind of hotels have

Meetings and all happened fine and usual , some stuff about Sanaa I wana share.. which were quite interesting..

Sanaa (Yemen)

  • Is one of the oldest inhabited city in the world..
  • The oldest written reference to its existence is found in inscriptions which date back to the 1st century AD.
  • It is the only democratic country in the Middle east with people having right to vote and choose their government
  • It was declared a World Heritage City by the United Nations in 1986
  • Efforts are underway to preserve some of the oldest buildings, some of which are over 400 years old.
  • Even with all this one could see one of the best cars driven on roads but yes only with the Super rich people.

City View from Hill

“Soukh” The oldest market in the world

I did visit the oldest market in the world and buy a nice stone based pendent which was told to be unique … (do we get similar stuff in Colaba Causway in Mumbai? Or may b palika bazaar in delhi?) may b we do.. but I would like to believe that this is one memory of that old ancient market.

After two days in this nice city I was back to Mumbai via Dubai (this time not missing the flight.. lol)..back in my bed at 12 in the night.. I was wondering how different is life at different parts of the world.. and this one can know only when you have experienced one.. so whenever you get an opportunity grab it with both hands J ..

Keep Exploring and ya.. most of them in Yemen would speak only Arabic.. so I couldn’t get a word.. only few I could understand because they are same as Hindi

Chai is called chai .. and Shukriya is called “Shukran”

So Shukran for reading me :-)

Keep smiling :-)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Years Eve

I have always wondered why people relate new year eve to Drink and Dance only… if not all .. lot of us do think that ways.. for me it has always been house party with friends ..

Last year I was in Canada for the new year eve and it was very different .. we went to this pub and listened to this rock music in which I hardly could understand anything.. lol.

This year for some reason I wanted to be alone on new year eve…. But at the same time didn’t want to sit at home…. Anyone who knows about Mumbai will be thinking “being out of home and wanting to be alone without many people around u.. is never possible in Mumbai” … that’s true..

My evening started with a Maggi preparation … (wonder if this will count on those Maggi moments) … then I drove on bike to Marine drive .. closest and best place to be at… 2 strange THINGS happened to me that evening .. will tell u .. read on..
Went to Sukh Sagar which has one of the best “Idli Chutni” preps, enjoyed that.. they give unlimited chutni and nice warm idli which will melt in ur mouth. ..

1.First THING:
I walked to the near by Café Coffee day (one of my fav places to be when I am alone).. surprisingly it was quiet with not many people,, started reading news paper and sipping coffee (Devils Own)… As I was reading MID DAY, one girl came n

Girl: “I am really sorry to disturb u , but can I sit here n talk to u for a min.. actually my friend gave me a dare” I was thinking to my self “ yaar ye mere saath pehli baar ho raha hain” ..
Silly Me: “ uummmm ok “
(Silence for 30 seconds)
Very Silly Me: “What do u do?”
Girl: “ I am doing CA final, what abt u?”
Proud Me: “ I work.. I have done my engg then worked for few years in india and UAE.. (saying UAE much louder than India).. then went for my MBA in “CANADA”.. (calling Canada loudest of 3)
Girl: “Nice, I have a cuz in Canada bla bla..”
(Me still feeling proud abt Canada)
Girl Again: “I guess u r expecting someone”
Me: “ No actually I am on my own”
Girl: “Oh that’s nice way of celebrating new years eve”
Me: “ Yes quiet n peaceful” (smiling but thinking not sure if I shld feel good abt being alone or bad..

She wished new year and went off and I went back to my news paper..

2.Second THING:

After I came out of CCD I still didn’t want to go home… had heard of some nice fireworks around Trident hotel on marine drive so I decided to drive there.. as I was driving I got stuck in the traffic..
Once when I saw on my side there was a car with two girls in the front seat. The girl who was driving looked at me and smiled… I felt kinda awkward .. I just looked around and away.. then I saw in their direction again..
This time the girl driving and the one next to her both were giggling and looking at me.. .. … as traffic eased I went ahead .. and they came n stopped their car just on my side… it was now getting weird..
Going forward whenever I would move ahead in my lane and they wld be fall back.. she would keep honking the car in front … (which I assumed meant she wanted to come forward n keep her car on my side… guys am I thinking right?.. atleast that’s what I thought.) Well this went on for some stretch of marine drive….. something like this had never happened to me before..

Well after reaching trident .. I parked and walked alone on marine drive.. and an amazing painting exhibition put up there.. on the walk way.. I wana share some of those pics..

Have a year 2010 full of smiles


Nuclear Power Station at Saint Laurent Nouan on the Loire river, France

Tulip fields near Lisse, Amsterdam Region, Netherlands

Justify Full

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Trip to Vizag…Day 1

It started with an early… actually …. Horrifyingly early morning (actually night) ..having to take a 5:30 flight to Vizag from Mumbai.. had to get up at 3:30 and reach airport by 4:30.. .. the transition from life outside at 4 in morning to life inside the airport is quite alarming at times.... ..In Spice jet and many of these low frills ….the sitting is worse than a BEST BUS in Mumbai…u cant move an inch…anyhow

As I landed at the airport the taxi drivers had similar face as to any taxi driver in south .. and of course he was called “Anna”. As I reached the Jaipur Lodge (the place where we were staying). Saw that for some surprising reason it had a lift from the first floor.. weird.. lol..

We had a clear hostel like environment in the room as I reached… Mr. Kathe sitting on the bed with blanket wrapped around him.. still wearing just a baniyan inside.. (why would u not wear something inside if u r so cold)…. Amit moving around in towel with no shirt on… (I mean why would some1 who is always questioned about having bath be moving around in towel????? Some of those.. reading this would already know why…)

Bhor correcting his hair and looking sleepy as always.. cracking silly jokes.. which for some reason make every1 laugh.. and Vivek (aka vivya).. Mr. Husband on the trip all neat and taken bath… (guys see the change in the married man kudos to priyanka)..

Slowly the remaining guys in other room started appearing…. Jiten…gunda of Rajnandgaon.. playing little champs with Amit as always.. Viral.. With ever sleepy eyes.. Sante.. with unique mustache.. .. Waghole.. all set to go n play on the ground.. ( I wonder if in his own marriage he went to the pujari n said.. ek ball tak).. Atul.. fondly called “Topdya” with his sexy cap ..

So after all the usual hi hellos.. we had some nice breakfast.. and were all set for the marriage ceremonies.. it started with “Haldi” ceremony which was made special with all relatives (women) rubbing haldi all over Pomys body.. and then the shocker was.. we heard he wld have to keep it on him and not wash it till the marriage.. (can only wash his face).. god felt pity for the sherwani which was going to get ruined from inside.. .. nonetheless.. everyone except pomy (which was visible from his face) enjoyed the .. lol…

Evening started with we getting ready for the big marriage.. was sad to know that there wasn’t going to be an Ghodi for the barat.. ( being in Vizag.. and thinking of a Ghodi for barat.. who was I kidding.. lol..) .. so Mr. Dulha sat in the VAN .. after some initial sharmana.. we started the dance .. Surprisingly Band Guy had some hindi songs to play and sing also .. we danced n danced… including the Dulha himself in the end showing his moves J.. The ceremony was a nice mix of marathi and south Indian rituals.. including the jugalbandi of hindi and south Indian bands.. food was awesome (I missed the roti)..oh yaa. I forgot to mention.. we .. stupid guys.. went there .. khali haat.. beshrmo ki tarah.. lol.. then suddently it clicked a brainy guys mind to get some nice bouquet atleast… the actual BIIG gift of course is coming as the SWEET COUPLE reaches back to PUNE J.. day 1 was full of what we were there for. i.e. the marriage