Monday, September 1, 2008

Questions in my mind

“Jor se bolo Jia Mata Di” “Sai Baba ki Jai” some of the enchanting we get to hear at various places in India which are of religious importance. This is common site Temples, Gurudwara, Masjids and all the other places of worship.

I have been thinking on this for quite a while but couldn’t find a way to explain it. I am trying to do that through this blog. Looking at thousands of people standing in the queue at Sai Baba temple or Tirupati temple, I wondered what was the outcome of these efforts other than some mental satisfaction? That too was taken away from the large queue and mental stress to even reach the temple. My friend who had gone for a trip to south for holiday also went to Tirupati. However his experience in Tirupati was the worst of all the places he visited. Reason again rush of people, wait times, lack of arrangements etc. Why do people spend so much time and energy waiting for a 10 second look at the image of the God or Goddess? The reason for getting this thought was “Law of conservation of energy”. This energy spent by lakhs of people everyday, what does it get converted in to? What happens to all this energy spent by those devotees of Shankar (called Kavidiyas in delhi) to walk barefooted to a city in North India? Similar are the cases in Maharashtra as well.

What if we could convert this energy in to something productive? How much energy will it generate to solve the energy issues India faces today? Is it even practical to think on these lines? Can people be made to do things which they are oblivious to?

I would love to know your views on this. Please note the more creative you get the better the result would be.

Keep Smiling J


Anonymous said...

yep, obvious Qs! But what annoys me more is the fact that people dont even try to follow the principles of the god/goddess that spend some much energy to have a glimpse... As soon as the glimpse is done, they are back to their usual life!

final_transit said...

haha, this is your favorite one. I hope we can transform spiritual energy to mechanical or some form of usable energy. IT will be like Japanese Anime shows :)

Vaarun said...

I know this one... and I know that friend too :-)
Good start with the blog man!